Wednesday, May 24, 2017

' The Art that is full of life '

‘ The Art that is full of life ‘
      -  P.Natarajan

It is but natural that we  get engrossed only in lively matters. We entertain a relationship in such objects or matters and accord a name to it as ‘ Interest ‘. As a step further we become one with it and the new name for such closeness is the four letter word ‘ LOVE ’ ! For example the expression ‘bosom friend’ or ‘prana snehitha’(in Tamil) centers around the love and attachment or the possessive nature towards that person.

Another example is towards fine arts. There are certain people who get attached so much to music, dance and drama that they become a part of the fine arts itself. They worship it, learn them with a keen interest and above all practice them in a disciplined way. The fine arts become a source of living in due course. It is the perfect blend of extraordinary talent and passion that; leads people to the pinnacle of greatness.

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As they become one with the fine arts, it has a multiplier effect. They perform very well and audience show interest not to miss a concert of that standard. The musician when he reaches the peak and travels in the fine octave for a considerable time, the audience applaud and praise that the musician has become one with the music and they can not be considered as two entities. By way of interpretation, it can be said that since the art has life, it enters into the musician who intern gets engrossed to touch a sparkling form. In such a situation, both the artist and the audience forget themselves and the winner is ‘fine arts’ only.

In Science, such a situation, leads to a new discovery or an invention.  Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727) expounded the Universal Law of Gravitation. According to Newton’s law all objects fall to the earth with the same acceleration regardless of  mass. Newton’s discovery happened when he saw an apple falling from the tree down to the earth. Newton concluded that all bodies from the lightest petal to the biggest star attract each other by some force.

Zero is one of the man’s greatest inventions.


The contribution of India to the world of mathematics is ‘Zero’. (pl. don’t  interrupt the meaning negatively) ! Salt is a sea product. It was unknown to Americans and Indians until it was introduced by the Europeans. The word salary comes from the word salt, because in roman times, a salarium or allowance of money for salt was given to the staff of the army.

There is a distinct difference in the philosophy of thoughts between a Scientist and a performer in the fine arts. A Scientist may not take ‘Science’ as a god or goddess. A musician or a dramatist may.

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But the Almighty is above all and no doubt is the origin for arts and science to begin and flourish. When the ‘Super Power’ looks at the dedication of Scientists, it transmits its energy in some way into them. Such transactions are nothing but ‘Intuition’. Once the intuition dawns, Science and so also Scientists flourish in no a humble way but in gigantic proportion. The inventions multiply in many fields from ‘a’ for astronomy to ‘c’ for computer and so on.
‘Salutations to the art that is full of life’ !



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